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: 관리자 : 2019년 3월 29일 (금), 오후 1:58

[SmartBiz Accelerators] FND, convenience food based on the advanced freeze-drying technology

FND, convenience food based on the advanced freeze-drying technology

FND has manufactured convenience food based on the advanced freeze-drying technology. By developing advanced freeze-drying technology, the company has developed convenient and healthy food including raw food products, convenience food and juices that can be enjoyed anytime, at any place.
For more information on the company: hongga73@hanmail.net

동결건조기술로 편의식품을 생산하는 ‘에프엔디’.
동결건조기술을 이용해 생식, 즉석식품, 주스 등 언제 어디서든 편하게 먹을 수 있는 간편 건강 식품을 개발해 현대인들의 먹거리 제품개발에 앞장서고 있다.
